
HomeLab Mk.3 - Planning Phase


I kicked off my homelab refresh project not long ago, dubbed "HomeLab mk.3" as its the third iteration since circa 2010. I'm now well into the planning phase but I've found that I'm also overlapping into the procurement phase (as described herein).

So far, I've decided to replace my pre-Ryzen AMD-based full-tower hyperconverged system with another hyperconverged system, but this time it will be housed in an 18RU rack for providing a small amount of noise management, but also neaten up the office a little, which will have the added benefit of assisting in home improvement (flooring) later.

Key requirements;

  1. Costs must be kept as low as possible
  2. Software RAID (due to #1)
  3. Hyperconverged system (due to item #1 and power constraints)
  4. Nested virtulisation for EVE-NG/network modelling

Therefore based on requirements, the system (excluding the rack) will comprise of the following;

  • One SSD for the hypervisor stack/host OS
  • Up to six (6) 8Tb CMR disks for the storage of guests etc.
  • 4RU ATX rackmount case (including rails of course) ✅
  • As much memory as the mainboard allows which relates to key requirement #4


The current challenges surrounding the build are;

  1. Choice of Hypervisor (oVirt, libvirt, OpenStack, EVE-NG)
  2. Choice of CPU architecture (due to key requirement #4 and likely challenge #1)
  3. Possible Network re-architecture required to support the system including possible infrastructure Re-IP addressing.

Choice of Hypervisor

For item #1 the choices don't look that great, and I will probably stick with libvirt and the various virt toolsets, only because;

  • oVirt appears to no longer be supported downstream by RedHat which means contributions to the upstream project (oVirt) will likely and eventually kill the project
  • OpenStack is a pain to set up, even the all-in-one "packstack" which also means that could impact scalability in future if required
  • EVE-NG appears to be an inappropriate choice. While it supports KVM/QEMU/qcow2 images, I'm not sure I want this as the underlying HomeLab hypervisor (unless certain constraints can be overcome - these are considered not in scope of this post).

Choice of CPU architecture

For item #2 the CPU architecture is important only because network vendor (QEMU/qcow2) images highlight strict CPU architecture requirements as being Intel-based, and AFAIK nested virtulisation requires that the guest architecture matches that of the host.

Possible Network re-architecture

Item #3 is not insurmountable, but it is still a challenge nonetheless as I'm not sure about whether I will change the Hypervisor guest networks (dev, prod, lab etc) to connect back upstream at L2 or L3.


As I mentioned already, the project planning phase is somewhat overlapping with the procurement phase, the reason for this is so that I can not only procure certain less tech-depreciating items over time to allow project budget flexibility, but also allow a certain level of reduced risk in operation of the system:

Case in point: HDD's - I never risk buying them from the same batch in case of multiple catastrophic failures.

I've already purchased 3 HDD's, the 4RU rackmount case and rails and an 18RU rack to house the new gear along with the existing kit (switch, router and UPS).

I'll continue to procure the HDD's until I have enough to build the system then all that left is to purchase the key parts for the rack mount case/system (CPU, mainboard, memory & PSU) once CPU architecture/hypervisor testing (see Hardware selection below) and the design is complete.

Hardware selection (CPU architecture)

In order to determine whether the new system will be Intel or AMD will depend on the testing performed on my AMD Ryzen-based desktop. If EVE-NG and the required images work in nested virtualisation (and/or bare-metal) with said CPU architecture, then I will be in a good position to stick with AMD for this iteration (and likely future iterations) of the HomeLab. After all, AMD-based systems appear to have a good pricepoint which relates back to key requirement #1

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